Image of typewriter typing "Once upon a time..."
This reading assignment was based on the article Interaction Relabelling and Extreme Characters: Methods for Exploring Aesthetic Interactions. I've selected key quotes to comment on that highlight important context within the article.
"Focusing on ease of use tends to encourage a narrow view of what ‘use’ is with respect to technology, emphasising efficiency and productivity over exploration or curiosity. "
The idea this quote speaks on is how easy it is to compartmentalize aesthetics and functionality at the expense of exploration. This confines out perception on technology design to specific instances of task completion, which can prevent focus on more engaging aspects of a design. Simplicity is important, but excessive simplicity inadvertently leads to uninspiring interactions. The quote underscores the risk of relegating aesthetics and functionality into separate compartments that limit our understanding of what tech design can be. Balance is key in this aspect, ensuring that ease of use can coexist with exploration and creativity that is essential for better interaction design. ns.
"The ‘hands-on’ nature of interaction relabelling enables participants to come up with novel ideas about interaction which are different from those which emerge from market research, literature studies, traditional brainstorming techniques or sketching."
This quote shows how vital it can be for hands on interaction relabeling can be in a design process. Market research, literature studies, and traditional brainstorming techniques are all very important steps in a design process, but hands on relabeling is more tactile and hands on, and fosters a distinct perspective. Engaging participants in this can bring opportunity to break away from preconceived notions to instead potentially explore innovative ideas that wouldn't otherwise surface. By actively involving people in the process of relabeling, designers are able to tap into a more hands on, intuition based, and experiential realm, which has the potential to expand into unexplored ideation that goes beyond the confines of traditional research and brainstorming processes. 
"This is the central aspect of designing for extreme characters: the extremes make one realize that the way things are is not necessarily the only way. They allow one to think of the richness of aesthetics, interactions and roles that electronic products could offer next to the narrow, existing ones."
To me, designing for extreme characters as a concept confused me for a while. This quote highlights how designing for extreme characters can lead to a broadened thought process when it comes to design. It has the capacity to challenge preconceived notions and broaden the horizons of design thinking. By focusing on extreme cases, a designer is lead to question the status quo and potentially find new possibilities for design solutions. This has potential to push the boundaries of conventional design choices and foster an environment where innovation can emerge.
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