2-D Matrix and Cone framework

2-D Matrix
I started this assignment by deciding on what attributes I could give my axis. After an honestly embarrassingly lengthy period of contemplating I decided: axis x will be isolation to connection, and axis y will be growth to decay.
This leaves my projected future with four quadrants: Growth and Connection, Connection and Decay, Decay and Isolation, and Isolation and growth. Each of these quadrants is rich with implications, but I decided to focus on Growth and Isolation as my projected framework.
In this future, it’s most probable that people would lock into hyper individualized living. Work, school, and social lives would probably shift to virtual experiences, possibly AI driven. Teachers and managers would be replaced with AU, and in person interaction would grow more and more scarce. Tech would continue to grow, and eventually every day life would be fully entrenched in it, with smart homes becoming the norm and auto delivery of groceries with drones. Fewer shared public spaces would lead to the decline of big cities being cultural hubs, and online spaces would be everyones primary form of socialization. People would form relationships with AI more and more, and digital communities would form. VR would become more popular.
It’s possible people would use AI to curate their own virtual worlds, complete with custom news, entertainment, and interactions. Factories could be fully autonomous, with human workers rendered obsolete.
Object Representation
This world could be represented by a number of things, but the first thing that came to mind was a vr headset, as people could live their lives increasingly in VR. The issue is, I cannot for the life of me find any tutorials for modeling a VR headset in blender, as any search result was more tailored on how to set up blender in VR. So right now, I only have this very low poly bad looking block.

VR headset Attempt 1: back

VR headset Attempt 1: front
I tried again to form a better shape by splitting my object, extracting surfaces, and reshaping/positioning the extracted surfaces. It's not as detailed as I would have liked but I did enjoy adding in the bands that would fit around the head.

VR headset model backview

VR headset model front view
Next, I added a light color, with a slightly darker color for the inside panels. I also gave the headset a shiny finish. I added a background, then positioned the light closer to my object, and positioned the camera so it looked like the VR set is sat on the table.
I chose this background image because the image is void of color and personality, and while there are two place mats set up, there is only one chair present at the table. I figured it could signify that the person using the object lives alone, and dines with some VR ai companion. The scene is also fairly luxurious, which further supports the concept of living alone in an extravagant nice home. People in this future would be surrounded by the comfort of luxury, while remaining isolated.